NiiVue Demos

NiiVue has many built in features and canvas interactions (e.g. mouse clicks and keyboard button presses).

The links on this page can be used to navigate to each demo in a new page.

These demo pages are minimal by design to demonstrate features independent of framework conventions and dependencies.

The developer documentation describes the full range of attributes and functions.

NiiVue can be optionally built with high-performance image processing, see here for a live demo.

If you would like to see how NiiVue can be integrated into a modern Javascript frontend framework (Vue), you can view our reference user interface implementation project here, and a live demo here.

Basic multiplanar
Sync mesh
Bidirectional Sync
Color maps for voxels and meshes
Background masks overlays
Alpha and asymmetric statistical thresholds
Test images
Drag and drop
Select font
Connectome Connectome API
Minimal user interface with menus see niivue-ui for a more advanced user interface
Meshes (GIfTI, FreeSurfer, MZ3, OBJ, STL, legacy VTK)
Mesh MatCaps
Mesh Statistics
Generate and save meshes
Mesh layers (GIfTI, FreeSurfer, MZ3)
Load Mesh Layers
4D mesh time series (GIfTI, FreeSurfer, MZ3)
annot mesh atlases, onavg mesh atlases, GIFTI mesh atlases and MGH mesh atlases
GIfTI Meshes with NIfTI2 Curvature
Anti-Aliasing: faster (off) or better (on)
Auto-select Mesh   Voxel
OFF (faster) Mesh   Voxel
ON (better) Mesh   Voxel
FreeSurfer mask editing
FreeSurfer point sets
4D mesh time series (CIFTI-2)
Tractography (TCK, TRK, TRX, VTK)
Tractography groups (TRX)
Tractography as cylinder tubes
MRtrix3 tracts and Track Scalar File (TSF) overlays
DSI-Studio tiny-tract files (TT)
Tract atlas
Advanced tractography (TCK, TRK, TRX, VTK)
DSI-Studio SRC files
4D Time series data (fMRI, DTI, ASL, etc) using thumbnail for rapid loading
4D Time series data (fMRI, DTI, ASL, etc) initially showing only the first volumes for rapid loading
AFNI volumes
Connected component clusters
BrainVoyager meshes
x3d meshes
Clip planes
Advanced clip planes
Drawing user interface
Torso regions
Carotid Artery-Computed Tomographic Angiography Scoring
Voxel atlas
Sparse voxel atlas
Denoise dark voxels
Modulation of FSL diffusion FA and V1
Modulation of DSI-Studio diffusion FA and V1
Modulation of MRtrix diffusion FA and V1
Modulation of AFNI diffusion FA and V1
Multiplanar Layout (Auto, Column, Grid, Row)
Hero image
Modulation of scalar volumes
Modulation of AFNI statistics
Fixed canvas size
Segmented image with named labels
Advanced mosaics
World space
Advanced world space
Images with shear
User scripting
Shiny volume rendering
Dragging callbacks
Voxels with complex numbers
Additive voxels and mesh as well as negative colormaps
DICOM Manifest
Load a document
Download a document with 3D render
Download a document with drawing
Download a document with meshes
Download a document with an atlas
Download a document with custom data
Machine Learning and AI helper functions
Label voxel clusters
Conform, reslice and generate volumes
Slab selection for image processing
Save a scene as HTML
Save a scene with custom HTML
Show labels
Connectome labels
Anchored labels
Gradient Order
Gradient Opacity